Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hot new doc

Dirty Harry went to a new doctor, only to find that the new doc was a good looking blonde female. He gaped at her and then felt embarrassed.
The lady doctor said, "There's nothing to worry, you are with a professional. I have seen it all before, just tell me your problem and I will check you up."
Dirty Harry thought quickly and said, "My missus thinks that my rod tastes funny."

Monday, April 28, 2014

Short funny jokes-Tossing

As Katy walked on the sideway, she tossed a bunch of keys up into the air and caught them as they came down. She did it again and again, but after a few tosses, she could not catch the keys and they fell into the gutter next to the sidewalk.
People who witnessed this felt bad for her until she cried, "Oh no! Not again!"

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Selfless beings

Men are selfless beings.

Most Women would not not like to help unknown Men but Men are more than willng to help unknown Women!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Short funny jokes-Good old times

Overheard in a coffee shop:

In the good old times, people used to remove their hats to show respect.
Look at today's generation. They remove their earphones to give respect.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A matter of seconds

Danny quizzes his friend Sandy, "Tell me, what similarities do you find in a burnt toast and your pregnant girlfriend?
Sandy answers, "This one's easy. In both cases, you wonder why you did not withdraw couple of seconds earlier!"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Very fat

Mrs. Bubba to Mr. Bubba : You have become very fat.

Mr. Bubba : You have also become very fat.

Mrs. Bubba : But I am going to be a mother!

Mr. Bubba: So what? Even I am going to be a father!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What are you doing this evening?

Rebecca, the curvy blonde secretary, came out from the cabin of her boss. She was shaking with anger, so a colleague asked her what was wrong.

Rebecca said,"The Boss asked me what was I doing this evening."

The colleague asked, "So what did you say?"

Rebecca answered, "I said I was doing nothing. He gave me 50 pages to type!"

Monday, April 21, 2014

Milk and eggs

Little Johnny: A cow gives milk and a hen lays eggs. Tell me who can give both?

Little Tommy: Can't think of anyone.

Little Johnny: The grocery store owner, silly!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Short funny jokes-Rebirth

Patrick, the pervert, is praying hard, "Jesus, if there really is such a thing as rebirth, then I would like to return as a women's bicycle seat."