Sunday, June 23, 2013

Funny jokes-Act your age

A lady is running out of luck at the roulette table in a casino. She is left with only $500 and is absolutely desperate. She cries out, "This is the heights of bad luck! What in heaven's name should I do now?"

A gentleman standing next to her, tries to console her and says, "Why don't you just play your age?"

He goes away but in a short while, he hears some commotion and walks back to the roulette table. He is surprised to see the lady lying unconscious on the floor, while a crowd had gathered around her.

He asks the operator, "What happened to her? Is she ok?"

The operator replies, "I have no idea sir, she put all her money on 28. When 37 showed up, she just fainted!"

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Butcher pun

A boy goes to a butcher shop and tells the butcher, "Can you please give me the ones from the top shelf".

The butcher replies, "I am sorry, the steaks are too high."

Friday, June 21, 2013

Eating a frog

An economist and an accountant are taking a stroll in the countryside and they come across a pond. They find a frog sitting at the edge of the pond. The economist says to the accountant, "I challenge you to eat that frog. If you do, I'll give you $10,000!"

The accountant thinks about his funds and concludes he could do with some extra money, so he grabs the frog, eats it and collects the money.

A week later, they pass by the same pond, and again they notice a frog. This time the accountant challenges the economist, saying, "Eat that frog and you'll get $10,000."

After assessing the situation, the economist decides to go ahead. So he eats the frog and collects the money.

They are on their way, when the accountant says, "To think about it, we both have the same amount of money as we had before, but we both ate the frogs. How are we any better off?"

The economist replied, "What you say is true but you ignored the fact that we have been just involved in trade of $40,000."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hilarious jokes-The considerate Sergeant

Sergeant Davis was conducting a drill one morning when he was given a letter. After reading the letter, he yelled, "Private Thompson...Stand up!....You mother is DEAD!"

Private Thompson broke down on hearing the news and passed out.

Sergeant Wilson, who witnessed the little incident, said to Sergeant Davis, "Had you broken the news to him softly, he wouldn't have been so upset."

After a few months, Sergeant Davis was running another drill, when he received a letter again, stating that Private Thompson's father had expired. Sergeant Davis, determined to be more considerate this time, shouted, "Everyone whose father is still alive, take one step forward."

They did as told.


One line jokes-Conduct

Lightning occasionally shocks people as it just does not understand how to conduct itself.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Geographical explanation

Many people do not understand how we ran out of oil here in the United States.

The answer's quite simple - nobody bothered to check the oil. Didn't know we were falling short.

And most importantly, there is a geographical explanation to it. While all the oil is in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Colorado and Alaska, all the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hilarious jokes-Possibly dead

There are these two women from the trailer park who are having a conversation.

One asks the other, "How's the husband doing?"

The other replies, "He is possibly dead."

The first woman asks, "What do you mean..possibly dead?"

The second woman answers, "Well, the love making is the same but he hasn't done any work on the Harley in the last 10 days!"

Monday, June 17, 2013

Redneck jokes-At the workplace

How can you tell if there is a redneck at your workplace

1. He calls the mouse a critter.

2. He has a gun-rack mounted on the CPU.

3. His password is bubba.

4. He puts a Dale Earnhardt sticker on Windows 95.

5. You will find whiskey stains on outgoing faxes.

6. His printer is very slow as he doesn't read very fast.

7. He installs Dodge truck parts in the extra RAM slots of his PC.

8. You'll find that the menus all have Black Label, Old Milwaukee and Bud options.

9. His monitor is up on blocks.

10. You find a skoal can in the CD-ROM.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hollywood divorces

Hollywood divorces

It is customary in Hollywood to get married early in the morning. It helps in the sense if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted the whole day.

The most difficult thing in Hollywood is to keep the marriage a secret until the news of the divorce leaks out.

A Hollywood kid felt very proud. The reason - at the last Parent-Teachers meeting, she was given a prize for having the most parents there.

One Hollywood actress is known to be very sentimental: she is very particular about always getting divorced in the dress her mother was married in.

Hilarious jokes-Smart answer

A woman is keen to start working again now that her kids had grown up. She had taken a break of 10 years from work and is all set to enter the corporate life once again.

She wants to get her physical done before she applies for a job. So she goes and gets her physical done. When she returns home from the doctor's, her husband notices she is in an excellent mood.

So he asks her, says; "What are you so cheerful about?"

She replies, "The doc told me I have the body of a 20 year old and the heart of a teenager."

The husband jokes,"Did he say anything about your fifty year old arse?"

She snaps back, "No, he never mentioned you!"

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Grape story

Question: Did the grape say anything when someone stepped on it?

Answer: It did not say anything, but it gave out a little whine when it was crushed.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Little Johnny jokes-Hate war?

The History teacher had just finished a chapter on World War I.

She asked the class, "How many of you are against war?"

A number of hands shot up. The teacher said, "Ok, Little Johnny, you tell us, why are you not in favor of war?"

"I hate war, miss." Little Johnny said, "That's because wars end up making history, and history is my least favorite subject."

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hilarious jokes-Finding a race winner

A rich racehorse businessman calls for the services of a geneticist, a physiologist and a physicist. He told them he would award a million dollars to the one who could accurately identify race-winning horses. After several weeks of working on the horses, they were ready with their conclusions to be reported to the billionaire.

The geneticist reported, "I've considered all the current genetic research, checked blood-lines going back several decades, but there are just too many behavioral and environmental factors to arrive at a definite conclusion."

The physiologist reported, "I've checked muscle mass, bone volume and density, and all the other factors I can think of, but it seems to be too complex. It is too difficult to predict a winner."

Finally, it is the physicist's turn who seems to be very relaxed and reports while handing an index card to the billionaire. "There you are," he says "I've found an equation that can identify a winning horse."

"Great!" exclaims the billionaire, "Do you want cheque or cash?"

"Err...there's one little thing that you should know," said the physicist. "It only works for a spherically symmetric horse running in a vacuum."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Short funny jokes-Preying

A nagging wife to her husband: “You don’t care. Something is preying on my mind.”

Husband: “Don’t you panic, it will find nothing.”