Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Really funny jokes-Buying Turkey

Alice entered a butcher shop just when it was about to close.

She said to the butcher, "Thank God I made it in time! Do you have any chicken?"

The butcher opened his refrigerator and took out his only chicken, and plops it onto the scale. It weighs three and a half pounds.

"Don't you have anything bigger?" Alice asks.

The butcher returns the chicken to the fridge, takes it out again, and plops it onto the scale, only this time, he keeps his thumb on the chicken. The scale shows four and a half pounds.

"Great!" says Alice. "I'll have both of them please."

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lawyer jokes-Hilarious answer

Lawyer Kurt: Did the woman standing in the passage subsequently reveal her identity?
Witness: Yes, that's right.

Lawyer Kurt: Who did she say she was?
Witness (seemingly inebriated) : She said she was the owner of the dog's wife.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Really funny jokes-Unmistakable signs you are a drunk

Unmistakable Signs you are a Drunk

# You spent Saturday night in jail for cow-pushing — with your Ford V-8

# Although armed with fire extinguishers, your family stood at a safe distance as you blew out your birthday candles.

# Thanks to you, Bourbon Deluxe Bourbon stock is up 15 1/4 since Thursday.

# Vladimir Putin called personally to ask you to slow down on the Stoli.

# For some reason, there's salt on the rim of your basketball goal.

# For the money you spent on Thunderbird, you could've bought the car.

# You're now the proud inventor of the "Slim Jim": Ultra Slim-Fast shakes made with Jim Beam.

# Answering machine full of warnings from Coach Switzer.

# Smirnoff wants to run an ad featuring a picture of your liver in the shape of a bottle.

# Dry cleaners and hotel employees greet you with, "Look, it's the Vomit guy!"

# The doorman asks for your identification just to see how long it'll take you to find your pants.

# Your liver, in a fit of pique, leaps out of your abdominal cavity into a pan of frying onions.

# Worried friends call Monday morning to make sure you returned the goat.

# You have to be told "Drink Canada Dry" is a slogan and not a personal challenge.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hilarious jokes-Firing squad

Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney were set to face a firing squad in Mexico. Sarah Palin was the first one placed against the wall and just before the order was given, she yelled out, "Cyclone!"

The firing squad panicked and Sarah, taking the opportunity, managed to escape.

Newt Gingrich was next to be placed against the wall. The squad collected again and Newt wondered if he could try his luck. So, just before the firing order was given, he shouted, "Twister!"

Again the squad ran helter skelter and Newt, taking advantage of the situation, gave them the slip.

Now, it was Mitt Romney's turn and he was placed against the wall. He thought to himself, "I can play the same game - I just have to scream out something about a disaster and escape."

As the guns were raised in his direction, he confidently screamed, "Fire!"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Really funny jokes-Governor's grammar

Texas governors in the early 1900s were not known to be very educated. One such character called Ferguson thought "grammar" was his father's mother.

On a sunny day, Ferguson decided to go hunting but he forgot his gun. He called his secretary and asked him to send the gun.

"I cannot hear you properly," shouted the secretary into the phone. "Can you please spell the last word."

Ferguson yelled, "It's 'G' as in Jesus; 'U' as in onion; 'N' like in pneuma G-U-N, you idiot!"

Animal jokes-Floor material

Tom: Do you know what is the floor of a dinosaur's home made of?

Jerry: Let me guess...Rep-Tiles

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hillbilly jokes-Smart son

Audrey-Anne, the hillbilly said to her friend, "You know, my boy's real smart!" He's only five but already spell his name backwards and forwards!"

"What's his name?" asked the friend.

Audrey-Anne replied ,"Bob."

Short funny jokes-Horrible witch

Bobby to Johnny: My dad saw a scary ghost and didn't turn a hair!

Johnny: Doesn't surprise me - your dad's bald!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Funny jokes-That's not it

A sergeant noticed that one of the privates was behaving oddly. The private would pick up any piece of paper he found, sulk and say, "That's not it" and put it down again.

This went on for some time, until the sergeant arranged to have the private psychologically tested.

The psychologist concluded that the private was mentally ill, and wrote out his discharge from the army.

The private picked it up, smiled and said: "That's it."

Office jokes-Get back on your feet

I went to a car dealership in my locality, and noticed they had found a creative way to warn customers who defaulted payments. Their sign said:

"The greatest way to get back on your feet - miss an installment payment."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Really funny jokes-Signs

Signs that indicate you should start looking for a new lawyer:

# He tells you that his last good case was a Stroh's beer.
# When the prosecutors notice who your lawyer is, they hug each other.
# He picks the jury by playing "duck-duck-goose."
# He claims that he has never told a lie.
# A workplace has a sign saying "Don't ask me."
# You find a prison guard shaving your head.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Teacher jokes-Statue of Venus

Mrs. Katrina, the Arts teacher, addressed the class with a statue of Venus in her hands.
"What do you like best about this piece of art? Raise your hands."

Steven raised his hand and said, "The symmetry."

"Very good. And you, Justin?"

"Her assets!" says Justin

"Get out of the class, Justin and stand in the hall," responds Mrs. Katrina with loathing. "And you, Bubba?"

"I'm leaving, ma'am, I'm leaving..."

One line jokes-Opinion

When I want your suggestion, I will hammer it out of you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Really funny jokes-A few wrinkles

Dara, now in her middle ages, had been considering coloring her hair. One day, while flipping through a fashion magazine, she saw an ad for a hair-coloring die featuring a pretty young model who was sporting a great hairstyle with a shade that Dara liked.

To get a second opinion, she asked her husband Jack, "How do you think this shade would look on a face with a few wrinkles?"

Jack took the magazine from her, crumpled the page with the ad, straightened it out and observed it again.

"Just great, darling."