Friday, June 8, 2012

One line jokes-Darwin

I said to my son, Neel - if Darwin was correct, you will probably figure it out in a few million years.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hilarious jokes-When I am old

Tina asks Bill, "Will you love me when I'm old and graying?"

Bill replies, "Just love you? I shall admire you. I shall worship the very ground that you walk on. I shall...", then asks hesitantly, "you're not going to look like your mother, are you?"

Really funny jokes-You might be an E.R. Doctor if

You Might Be an E.R. Doctor if...

* your favorite hallucinogen is exhaustion.
* discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you.
* you think that caffeine should be available in IV form.
* you get an almost irresistible urge to stand and wolf your food even in the nicest restaurants.
* you believe the waiting room should be equipped with a Valium fountain.
* you say to yourself "great veins" when looking at complete strangers.
* you believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says, "Boy it is quiet around here."
* you have ever referred to someone's death as a transfer to the "Eternal Care Unit".
* you have ever had a patient say, "But I'm not pregnant, I can't be pregnant. How can I be having a baby?"
* you have ever had a patient look you straight in the eye and say "I have no idea how that got stuck in there".
* your most common assessment question is "what changed tonight to make it an emergency after 6 (hours, days, weeks, months, years)?"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Short funny jokes-Music in Church

Q: Why can't skeletons play music in church?

A: They need organs to play !

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eskimo relative

Q: Agent 007 has an Eskimo relative. Can you guess his name?

A: It's Polar Bond

Really funny jokes-Reliability of birth control pills

A blonde couple - Brenda and her husband, Joe go to their pharmacist and begin to ask questions like if the pharmacy checks for medications past their expiration date and the reliability of a certain manufacturer that makes birth control pills. After answering their queries, the pharmacist asks them what is wrong. Brenda explains, "I have been using birth control pills and despite that, I continue to get pregnant."

The pharmacist is astonished and asks Brenda if she takes the pills every day.

Brenda replies, "My husband Joe takes them every day."

"Why???" the pharmacist looks questioningly at the blonde couple.

"Oh, after we read all those possible side-effects, Joe offered 'Listen honey... I don't want you taking that stuff.. it's too dangerous.....let ME take them.' "

Monday, June 4, 2012

Duplicating life

Ronald, a scientist by profession, was anti-God. He had a chance to meet God and said, "Well, you are not needed any more, we have come up with a way to create humans without you."

God smiled and said, "All right, let me see you do it."

Ronald bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful of mud .

God stopped him and said, "Wait a minute. Get your own dirt!"

Hilarious Lawyer jokes

Lance, the lawyer: Have you lived in this town all your life?

Vinnie, the witness: Not yet.


Lance, the lawyer: Any suggestions as to what prevented this from being a murder trial instead of an attempted murder trial?

Vinnie, the witness: The victim lived.


Lance, the lawyer: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

Vinnie, the witness
: Yes, I have been since early childhood.

Lance, the lawyer: Did you tell your lawyer that your husband had offered you indignities?

Vinnie, the witness: He didn’t offer me anything; he just said I could have the furniture.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Funny jokes-Two pharmacists

Mark and Martha, two young pharmacists are having a professional discussion at their office.

Mark : What do you want this time, with coat or without coat?

Martha: Let it be with coating, because I don't want to release granules earlier.

Mark: So, Shall I begin molding?

Martha: No, first close the door and window and switch off, because this work is light sensitive.

Clean jokes-Bald eagle

Jack: How will you recognize a bald eagle?

Jill: All his feathers will be combed over to one side.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Short funny jokes-Higher powers

Santa : Do you know, Atheists do not solve exponential equations.

Banta: Really? Why is that?

Santa: That's because they don't have faith in higher powers.

Really funny jokes- Classified classics

A compilation of hilarious classified classics!!!

** A superb and economical restaurant. Fine food, expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.

** No matter what your topcoat is made of, this miracle spray will make it really repellent.

** Sale! Sale! An antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.

** We don't tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.

** Great chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.

** Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast.

** Dinner Special - Turkey $2.75; Chicken or Beef $2.50; Children $2.00.

** Have several very old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition.

Friday, June 1, 2012

One line jokes-Amnesia

I liked the sound of the word "Amnesia", and then I could not remember it.

Hilarious jokes-Mexican bandit

Agusto, a Mexican bandit robbed a bank. As he was trying to escape with the booty, the sheriff and his deputy chased him and tracked him down in the woods.

Agusto was handcuffed, and the sheriff, who didn't know Spanish, asked him where he had hidden the loot.

"No se nada," he replied.

The sheriff put a gun to Agusto's head, turned to his deputy who could speak Spanish as well as English, and said, "Tell him that if he doesn't disclose where the money is right now, I'll blow his head to smithereens."

On receiving the translation in Spanish, Agusto got excited and started talking. "Ya me acuerdo! Tienen que caminar tres cuadradas hasta ese gran arbol. Debajo del arbol, alli esta el dinero."

The sheriff asked the deputy, "What's he saying?"

The deputy replied, "He says he wants to die like a man."