Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Really funny jokes-Overloading

A man driving home late at night in his Volkswagen beetle car was stopped by by policemen on patrol.

The police asked the man to produce his car document.

When they could not fault the document, the next question to the man was: "My friend, do you realize that you committed a criminal offense by driving alone in this car at late night?"

The man became angry and responded: "How could you say that? God the father, the son and holy spirit, prophet Elijah and Angels Micheal and Gabriel are all with me in the Car."

The policeman replied: "You mean, all these people are in this small car? I charge you for overloading!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Finance jokes-Stockbroker or fisherman?

The Walton's invited their new neighbors over to dinner. During dinner Mr.Walton was asked what he did for a living.

Eight years old Brian Walton jumped in and said, "Daddy is a fisherman!" To which Mrs.Walton replied, "Brian, why do say that. Your daddy is a stockbroker, not a fisherman."

"No mom. Everytime we visit dad at work and he hangs up the phone he laughs, rubs his hands together and says 'I just caught another fish'."

Funny jokes-Wanted!

* Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.

* Wanted: Mother's helper - peasant working conditions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Really funny jokes-Defining a Will

What's the definition of a will?

It's a dead giveaway.

Health jokes-Age is catching up

I know age is catching up with me when

- I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a word you're saying.

- I'm very good at telling stories...over and over and over and over.

- I'm wrinkled, saggy and lumpy, and that's just my left leg.

- I'm walking more (to the bathroom) and enjoying it less.

- I'm the first one to find the bathroom wherever I go.

- I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.

- I'm the life of the party... even when it lasts 'till 8pm.

- I'm usually interested in going home before I get to where I'm going.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Funny jokes-Christmas invitation

It was Christmas time and this woman invited all her family to her house to eat. So they gathered around the table and she asked her son to pray.

He said: "But I do not know what to say."

She said: "Say what I said this morning."

So he said: "Dear God, why did I invite all these people to my house?"

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Really funny jokes-Almost got caught

The employees at the factory where Paddy worked soon discovered that every Tuesday afternoon the boss would always leave work early, not to return that day. So they all decided that if they all left early after him, they could have the rest of the day off, and the boss would be none the wiser.

So, the next Tuesday afternoon, after the boss had left, all of the employees went home. But when Paddy got home, he saw through his front window his boss making passionate love to his wife.

The following Tuesday, when everyone else was leaving the factory, Paddy kept right on working. One of his workmates came up to him: "Hey, Paddy, aren't you going home? The boss has already left for the day".

Says Paddy, "No way! Last week I almost got caught".

Clean jokes-Selling Cheezels

Did you hear about the guy who made a million dollars in Ireland selling Cheezels?

He sold them as doughnut seeds.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Funny jokes-Fire prevention alarm system

Fire investigators on Maui, Hawaii, USA, have determined the cause of a blaze that destroyed a $127,000 home last month: a short circuit in the homeowner's newly installed fire prevention alarm system.

'This is even worse than last year,' said the distraught homeowner, 'when someone broke in and stole my new security system.'

One line jokes-Pianist

Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car is not called a racist?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Really funny jokes-Spell what your father does

The teacher says to her new class, "For our first lesson, each of you will stand up, tell us your name, what your father does, spell what your father does, and then explain it to us. All right, Billy. You go first."

Billy stands up and says, "My name's Billy. My father's a lawyer, l-a-w-y-e-r, and he defends people in court."

The teacher says, "Very good. All right, Benjamin."

Tyrone stands up and says, "My name's Benjamin. My father's a pharmacist, f-a-m... f-a-r-n... f-n..."

The teacher says, "Benjamin, you go home tonight and learn how to spell pharmacist. All right, Angelo."

Angelo stands up and says, "My name's Angelo. My old man's a bookie, b-o-o-k-i-e, and if he was here, he'd give you nine-to-five odds Benjamin ain't spellin' pharmacist by tomorrow."

Office jokes-Final excuses for skipping out of work

1. I have a bunch of old parking tickets, and if I don’t pay them I’m going to be arrested.

2. The police are at the back door. Cover me.

3. I’m having my nails done.

4. I’m having my colors done.

5. I’m having my head examined.

6. I’m going to the bank.

7. I’m going to sleep.

8. I’m going over the edge.

9. A friend of mine is dying and I have to go to the hospital.

10. A friend of mine has died and I have to go to the funeral parlor.

11. A friend of mine is being reincarnated and I have to go to the zoo.

12. I need to check out the hole in the ozone layer.

3. I need to check into a rest home.

14. I’m breaking in my shoes.

15. I’m breaking up with my boyfriend.

16. I’m breaking out.

17. I have to pick up my dry cleaning.

18. I have to pick out a car.

19. Salman Rushdie is coming in to talk about his idea for a book on Christian fundamentalists. I thought I’d go to a ball game instead.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Short funny jokes-First clue

Q: What is your first clue you are checking in to a kinky hotel?

A: The doorman flashes you on the way in.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Funny jokes-Hung!

A man is lounging in his favorite chair, drinking a beer, while his wife is cutting the lawn.

A lady walking by sees this and yells at the man: "You should be hung!"

The man takes a drink of his beer, and says to the lady: "I am. That's why she's cutting the grass."